Previous Hybrid ATLAS Analysis Tutorial Week

Last update: 14 Nov 2022 [History] [Edit]

Welcome to the ATLAS Analysis Tutorial Week

This is a self-guided week-long tutorial series designed to familiarise ATLAS members with the basics of ATLAS analysis software and the latest physics analysis tools.

How to use this tutorial

This page gathers several recorded lectures and accompanying slides each focusing on a separate topic.

  • The topics for each day are related to one another.
  • The bottom of each page contains links to the hands-on exercises designed to let you practice some of the concepts presented in the lectures.
  • The lectures and exercises are separated so that you should be able to finish each section in a full day, but go at your own pace.
  • Some of this material will certainly be very new.


This week of tutorials requires that participants be familiar with some computing basics. We will be working in a linux terminal and writing code in C++ and python. It is important that you have some working knowledge of these tools before you attend the software tutorial

The HEP Software Foundation and Software Carpentry have compiled some excellent resources that can help get you up to speed:

  • The Unix Shell
    • Make sure you are very comfortable with lessons 1-3. We recommend going through all the lessons at some point.
  • Basic Modern C++
    • There are some advanced C++ features that are not necessary for this tutorial. For now, please focus on lessons 1-9, 12 and 14.
  • Python tutorial
    • Make sure you’re familiar with the “Learn the Basics” section (you can skip “Classes and Objects” and “Modules and Packages”)
    • As python becomes more popular in data science, you may want to go through the rest of these sections as well, but these sections are not needed for this tutorial.

Videos and slides

To accommodate different timezones, availability, and travel restrictions, lectures are provided as recorded videos. The slides for each video are also available. In order to access these videos, you must be logged in with your CERN account. Once you log in for one video, refresh the page and all videos should be available.


Captioning has also been provided for most videos. To turn on captions, simply click the subtitles icon near the bottom right of the video once it starts playing, then click the slider labelled En.


Do you have some questions or feedback about the tutorial resources? Please send a message to atlas-sw-tutors-organisers AT