Create a Request

Last update: 11 Feb 2024 [History] [Edit]

After reviewing the summary page detailing the gTag parameters, proceed by clicking on Create request. This action will direct you to a new page where you can input the list of datasets you intend to run your n-tuple code on.

You have three options for providing this list:

1) Copy&paste: simply paste the list of datasets into the designated field.

2) Search by AMI p-tag: utilize the AMI p-tag functionality to search for the input datasets.

3) Search by parent DAOD request: locate the input datasets by examining the parent request that created the DAOD.

Once you have defined the necessary input files using one of the above options, proceed by clicking on Next, which will lead you to a summary page:

Review the summary to ensure accuracy before proceeding to the next page, where you will be prompted to provide a meaningful description for your request:

After inputting the description, click on Submit, and your request will be successfully created:

Upon creating the request, several buttons become available on this page:

  • Show output datasets: allows you to view the list of output datasets once the jobs are completed.
  • Submit: submits your request
  • Modify: enables you to reconfigure parameters if you realize something was set incorrectly.
  • Clone: lets you clone one or more slices. This is useful if you need to resubmit specific samples with new values or if a slice is in a broken state.
  • Hide: allows you to remove tasks from the list, useful for cleaning up the page or removing accidentally created tasks.
  • Extend: adds more input samples to the same request, maintaining the same gTag configuration.

Once the jobs are submitted, they will begin to appear in the Task tab.

For further guidance on managing these tasks, refer to Manage the tasks.