For the end of the tutorial we will look at the job transforms and how
to modify the default behaviour of them. One of the simplest cases
is the overlay transform Overlay_tf
RDO_BKG_File="/cvmfs/" \
--detectors Truth \
--inputHITSFile ${HITS_File} \
--inputRDO_BKGFile ${RDO_BKG_File} \
--outputRDOFile MC_plus_MC.RDO.pool.root \
--maxEvents 5 \
--conditionsTag OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-RUN2-09 \
--geometryVersion ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01
The easiest way to familiarise with any transform (and also many other utility scripts)
is to use the --help
argument, e.g. --help
. This will list all
available command line arguments.
In this exercise you will try to modify the default job configuration using the
, preInclude
and postExec
arguments. To make the job run faster
we will only run truth overlay using --detectors Truth
The first step is to dump the pickle file. To do that, add the following postExec
--postExec 'with open("Overlay.pkl", "wb") as f:'
A reminder a postExec
can only access the global CA instance cfg
and the flags
configured earlier in the job, but can execute any python code on those.
The postInclude
has the same capability as postExec
but the instructions are read from a python file.
The argument of postInclude
is interpreted as a fully qualified function name.
For instance: --postInclude "A.B.someAlgCfg"
would mean function someAlgCfg
from package A
and file
The someAlgCfg
needs to either be regular CA generator or a function taking CA and flags.
In 1st case it will be invoked with the flags and produced CA will be merged to the rest of job configuration.
In the 2nd case the function is given the CA itself and can modify the content, e.g.:
# assuming it is in the file available in working dir in file myPostInclude
#--postInclude "myPostInclude.myModifier"
def myModifier(flags, acc):
acc.getEventAlg("CaloCellMaker").CaloCellsOutputName = "OtherCells"
acc.merge(...) # add some other stuff instead
Next let’s look at the preExec
and preInclude
. In production nowadays
is used extensively with so called “Campaign Configurations” where
we setup a specific MC processing campaign using a common preInclude
For MC20 these are set in Campaings.MC20. To use the MC20e campaign setup, add all:Campaigns.MC20e
. The all
keyword indicates it should be used for all substeps (although in our example there is only one). \
--detectors Truth \
--inputHITSFile ${HITS_File} \
--inputRDO_BKGFile ${RDO_BKG_File} \
--outputRDOFile MC_plus_MC.RDO.pool.root \
--maxEvents 5 \
--conditionsTag OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-RUN2-09 \
--geometryVersion ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01 \
--preInclude 'all:Campaigns.MC20e' \
--postExec 'with open("OverlayMC20e.pkl", "wb") as f:'
If you compare the pickle files before and after you will see that the configuration
actually changed. Our familiar algorithm, the BeamSpotReweightingAlg
has been added. --diff Overlay.pkl OverlayMC20e.pkl
Step 1: reference file #components: 65
Step 2: file to check #components: 66
Differences in components Settings in 1st file Settings in 2nd file
Component AthAlgSeq differ
Members = ['xAODMaker::EventInfoCnvAlg/EventInfoCnvAlg', 'xAODMaker::EventInfoOverlay/EventInfoOverlay', 'CopyMcEventCollection/CopyMcEventCollection', 'CopyJetTruthInfo/CopyInTimeAntiKt4JetTruthInfo', 'CopyJetTruthInfo/CopyOutOfTimeAntiKt4JetTruthInfo', 'CopyJetTruthInfo/CopyInTimeAntiKt6JetTruthInfo', 'CopyJetTruthInfo/CopyOutOfTimeAntiKt6JetTruthInfo', 'CopyPileupParticleTruthInfo/CopyPileupParticleTruthInfo', 'CopyTimings/CopyTimings', 'CopyTrackRecordCollection/CopyTrackRecordCollectionMuonExitLayer', 'CopyTrackRecordCollection/CopyTrackRecordCollectionMuonEntryLayer', 'CopyTrackRecordCollection/CopyTrackRecordCollectionCaloEntryLayer'] vs ['xAODMaker::EventInfoCnvAlg/EventInfoCnvAlg', 'xAODMaker::EventInfoOverlay/EventInfoOverlay', 'CopyMcEventCollection/CopyMcEventCollection', 'CopyJetTruthInfo/CopyInTimeAntiKt4JetTruthInfo', 'CopyJetTruthInfo/CopyOutOfTimeAntiKt4JetTruthInfo', 'CopyJetTruthInfo/CopyInTimeAntiKt6JetTruthInfo', 'CopyJetTruthInfo/CopyOutOfTimeAntiKt6JetTruthInfo', 'CopyPileupParticleTruthInfo/CopyPileupParticleTruthInfo', 'CopyTimings/CopyTimings', 'CopyTrackRecordCollection/CopyTrackRecordCollectionMuonExitLayer', 'CopyTrackRecordCollection/CopyTrackRecordCollectionMuonEntryLayer', 'CopyTrackRecordCollection/CopyTrackRecordCollectionCaloEntryLayer', 'Simulation::BeamSpotReweightingAlg/BeamSpotReweightingAlg'] <<
>> only in 2nd file : ['Simulation::BeamSpotReweightingAlg/BeamSpotReweightingAlg']
Component BeamSpotReweightingAlg only in 2nd file
As a final example you can try again changing the value of flags.Digitization.InputBeamSigmaZ
to 50
--preExec 'flags.Digitization.InputBeamSigmaZ = 50'
This resolves in the following configuration difference. --diff OverlayMC20e.pkl OverlayFlags.pkl
Step 1: reference file #components: 66
Step 2: file to check #components: 66
Differences in components Settings in 1st file Settings in 2nd file
Component BeamSpotReweightingAlg differ
Input_beam_sigma_z = 42.0 vs 50.0 <<