ATLAS Software Documentation
Athena basics
Athena configuration
For Athena developers
Git workflow
For trigger developers
IDE integration & VSCode
Containers and VMs
Performance and monitoring
Running Athena on GPUs
Athena I/O and the xAOD EDM
Analysis software
Start Page
Software Essentials
Account Setup
Tutorial Material
Previous Exercises
Analysis Tools
Using LCG software
Software infrastructure
Merge Review Shifts Overview
Merge Review Shifts Tutorial
Release Coordinators Overview
CVMFS Client Installation
Platforms and Compilers
Internal links
Computing Twiki [Internal]
OTP S&C Shift Crew
Creating a personal Virtual Machine
Contribution Guide
FTag Guide
Tracking Software Tutorial
Grid Tutorial
Centralized Ntuples Production
Lecture Series
Menu Alignment
Last update: 06 Aug 2024
Why do we want to align algorithms
What is the ordering that we choose, and how do we decide it
How are chain steps aligned
How does the alignment code perform the alignment
Why do we want to align algorithms
What is the ordering that we choose, and how do we decide it
How are chain steps aligned
How does the alignment code perform the alignment
Trigger Developers Guide
Reconstruction Algorithms
Event Views
Identifiable Containers
Hypothesis Algorithms
ComboHypo Algorithms
HLT Navigation
Online Monitoring
Trigger Menu Basics
Trigger Validation
Trigger Debugging
Trigger Glossary
Trigger Menu for Experts
Individual Chain Construction
Menu Construction
L1 Menu Construction
Chain Steps
Trigger with ComponentAccumulator
Combined Chains
Menu Alignment
Control Flow
Prescales and Prescale Sets
Monitored Chains
Querying the Trigger API
Trigger Configuration database