Listing Files

Last update: 23 Aug 2024 [History] [Edit]

From the above datasets we found, let’s choose data23_13p6TeV:data23_13p6TeV.00450445.physics_Main.merge.AOD.f1342_m2167 and try to list its contents:

rucio list-files "data23_13p6TeV:data23_13p6TeV.00450445.physics_Main.merge.AOD.f1342_m2167"
| SCOPE:NAME                                                                                | GUID                                 | ADLER32     | FILESIZE   | EVENTS   |
| data23_13p6TeV:data23_13p6TeV.00450445.physics_Main.merge.AOD.f1342_m2167._lb0110._0001.1 | 5FAC18BA-ABCE-884A-ABE1-FE3A93CD7799 | ad:6ad5985a | 238.109 MB | 1503     |
| data23_13p6TeV:data23_13p6TeV.00450445.physics_Main.merge.AOD.f1342_m2167._lb0111._0001.1 | 5E34407D-06C2-FD41-95BB-9023331B2FC8 | ad:091fc8bd | 185.605 MB | 1140     |
| data23_13p6TeV:data23_13p6TeV.00450445.physics_Main.merge.AOD.f1342_m2167._lb0112._0001.1 | 43BB9F27-2C06-1040-9BEE-164C70762C0F | ad:061d6107 | 237.197 MB | 1489     |
| data23_13p6TeV:data23_13p6TeV.00450445.physics_Main.merge.AOD.f1342_m2167._lb0113._0001.1 | 02B5DC7A-3845-D743-A387-7BAC6608717C | ad:e234b881 | 417.620 MB | 2623     |
| data23_13p6TeV:data23_13p6TeV.00450445.physics_Main.merge.AOD.f1342_m2167._lb0962._0001.1 | D2847DD4-B591-FA46-A8E9-42655711F15F | ad:7055a092 | 810.182 MB | 5748     |
Total files : 852
Total size : 2.291 TB
Total events : 12006300

To list the contents of a container (e.g., to get a list of datasets) you should try:

rucio list-content "user.serfon:user.serfon.test.1234.31052013.214"

You can also use list-files on a container, but beware that you may get a lot of files in the output!