Beside writing histograms, creating TTree
(ntuple) outputs is the
most common thing for an analysis algorithm. In this section we will
show you how to create a TTree
in your analysis algorithm, and write
some simple variables to it. If you are not familiar with the
interface of TTree
, you should probably first look at the following
pages and examples:
Note that the infrastructure allows you to create as many trees and output files as you want in your analysis. Keep this in mind especially when dealing with systematic variations.
The EL::AnaAlgorithm
class provides a very similar interface for
handling trees as for handling histograms. If you have not done so
yet, you should probably read the section about
handling histograms first.
These instructions for writing trees only work with analysis releases >=21.2.35.
In the exercise we will be filling information into our output tree
from xAOD::EventInfo
and xAOD::JetContainer
. If you have not
started using such objects yet, make sure that you now update your
package’s CMakeLists.txt
file to link against the libraries
providing these classes.
, where [...]
is any other package dependencies you may already have
In order to write variables into an output TTree
, you need to
declare them as member variables in your algorithm class. For this
exercise add the following members to your algorithm header
#include <TTree.h>
#include <vector>
~MyxAODAnalysis ();
/// output variables for the current event
/// \{
unsigned int m_runNumber = 0; ///< Run number
unsigned long long m_eventNumber = 0; ///< Event number
/// Jet 4-momentum variables
std::vector<float> *m_jetEta = nullptr;
std::vector<float> *m_jetPhi = nullptr;
std::vector<float> *m_jetPt = nullptr;
std::vector<float> *m_jetE = nullptr;
/// \}
The setup of the tree happens in the initialize()
function of your
algorithm. To set the tree up, add the following to the initialisation
ANA_CHECK (book (TTree ("analysis", "My analysis ntuple")));
TTree* mytree = tree ("analysis");
mytree->Branch ("RunNumber", &m_runNumber);
mytree->Branch ("EventNumber", &m_eventNumber);
m_jetEta = new std::vector<float>();
mytree->Branch ("JetEta", &m_jetEta);
m_jetPhi = new std::vector<float>();
mytree->Branch ("JetPhi", &m_jetPhi);
m_jetPt = new std::vector<float>();
mytree->Branch ("JetPt", &m_jetPt);
m_jetE = new std::vector<float>();
mytree->Branch ("JetE", &m_jetE);
And this shows us one of the most inconvenient features of writing a
. When you write a “primitive” and an “object” variable, you
have to use an ever so slightly different formalism. For primitive
variables, like the ones we will be getting from xAOD::EventInfo
, we
need to provide the
function with a pointer to the primitive variable. While for the
vector/object variables we need to provide
with a pointer to the pointer that holds the variable. Which
unfortunately makes the memory management of object variables very
error prone.
To make sure that we don’t leak the memory belonging to these variables, please add the following into the destructor of your algorithm:
MyxAODAnalysis :: ~MyxAODAnalysis () {
delete m_jetEta;
delete m_jetPhi;
delete m_jetPt;
delete m_jetE;
There are of course possibilities for using smart pointers to make the code a little safer, but that would include some even more tricky pieces of code, and hence we leave that to the reader to experiment with.
Finally, once the creation and deletion of the tree/variables is taken
care of, let’s fill them in the execute()
function of the algorithm
#include <xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h>
#include <xAODJet/JetContainer.h>
// Read/fill the EventInfo variables:
const xAOD::EventInfo* ei = nullptr;
ANA_CHECK (evtStore()->retrieve (ei, "EventInfo"));
m_runNumber = ei->runNumber ();
m_eventNumber = ei->eventNumber ();
// Read/fill the jet variables:
const xAOD::JetContainer* jets = nullptr;
ANA_CHECK (evtStore()->retrieve (jets, "AntiKt4EMPFlowJets"));
for (const xAOD::Jet* jet : *jets) {
m_jetEta->push_back (jet->eta ());
m_jetPhi->push_back (jet->phi ());
m_jetPt-> push_back (jet->pt ());
m_jetE-> push_back (jet->e ());
// Fill the event into the tree:
tree ("analysis")->Fill ();
This concludes the updates in the C++ code, you should be able to (re-)compile your code with all these changes included.
As stated earlier, trees are handled very similarly to histograms. The difference with trees is that both EventLoop and Athena needs to be told explicitly where the tree should be written.
The formalism is exactly the same as
for histograms. You need to tell
the THistSvc
service which file to write for the ANALYSIS
stream. You can just add the following to your jobOptions to do this (see main athena tutorial for more info):
jps.AthenaCommonFlags.HistOutputs = ["ANALYSIS:MyxAODAnalysis.outputs.root"]
svcMgr.THistSvc.MaxFileSize=-1 #speeds up jobs that output lots of histograms
Just as for histograms, you can assign a different stream name to your algorithm, and create the output file with a different stream name. Allowing you to create multiple files from multiple algorithms.
Contrary to histogram handling, EventLoop does not assign trees automatically to an output file. Just like for Athena, you have to tell EventLoop explicitly that you want to create a “stream”, and write trees into it.
You do this by adding the following into your job submission script:
job.outputAdd (ROOT.EL.OutputStream ('ANALYSIS'))
Just as shown in
the histogram section, the
most reliable way of accessing the created file/tree is using
. Like:
sh_hist = ROOT.SH.SampleHandler()
sh_hist.load (options.submission_dir + '/output-ANALYSIS')
But often it may be more practical to just find the created file
directly. For instance if you run your code using EL::DirectDriver
you can find your output file under submitDir/data-ANALYSIS