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Common CP Algorithms Outlook

Last update: 16 Aug 2024 [History] [Edit]

At this point we hope you have a general feeling of how the common CP algorithms are meant to fit into the overall workflow. As we have pointed out that while some parts are still work in progress, overall it ought to be usable already. Some things are not fully finalized yet, but by now users have made scale examples of essentially all important aspects and some basic physics validation has been done.

Analysis Frameworks

For this tutorial we have been using the CP algorithms without any analysis framework. However, in practice you will be able to use the common CP algorithms together with any framework (once the framework is updated to support the common CP algorithms). The general working model we have for this is that CP algorithms get run before the analysis framework, or as the first step of the analysis framework.

Given that CP algorithms are still fairly new, none of the analysis frameworks support them yet (Oct 19), but we expect that as CP algorithms become more mature the analysis frameworks will either support them or become discontinued if they become obsolete. Work is currently being done in the exotics group to migrate the multilepton analysis to use the CP algorithms.

For reference, here is a selection of the more well known frameworks at the moment:

Framework Environment File Format
SUSYTools dual-use scheduler-only
HWW Framework Athena PxAOD (mini-xAOD)
Hgam Framework EventLoop MxAOD (mini-xAOD)
CxAOD Framework EventLoop CxAOD (mini-xAOD)
xTau Framework EventLoop custom n-tuple
xAODAnaHelpers EventLoop mini-xAOD, custom n-tuple, and histograms
AnalysisTop special custom n-tuple

Authored by the Analysis Software Group. Report any issues here.