Tutorial Requirements

Last update: 16 Aug 2024 [History] [Edit]

The next thing you need to do prior to attending the tutorial is to check that your machine is ATLAS-ready and you are setup properly. Do this on lxplus as well as your Tier3 machine so that you can always fall-back to lxplus in case of an issue.

setMeUp <tutorial version>

where <tutorial version> is given by the organizers and unique for each tutorial (e.g., cern-nov2021 for the November 2021 tutorial at CERN).

Tutorial date tutorial version
CERN June 2024 (recommended) cern-jun2024
CERN March 2024 cern-mar2024
CERN November 2023 cern-jul2023
CERN July 2023 cern-jul2023
CERN March 2023 cern-mar2023
CERN November 2022 cern-nov2022
CERN March 2022 cern-mar2022
CERN November 2021 cern-nov2021
CERN July 2021 cern-jul2021
CERN February 2021 cern-feb2021

For the November 2023 tutorial Please define this in your login script (.bashrc or similar) if not already:

export ALRB_TutorialData=/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/tutorials/asg/cern-jul2023

This will ensure you are able to locate the data files necessary to complete this tutorial.

What this test does is documented.