
Last update: 09 Aug 2024 [History] [Edit]


Mattermost is a team communication service very similar in functionality to Slack. This is supported at CERN and can be accessed by the Mattermost App or through the CERN Mattermost page. You should have access to the service by default if you have a CERN account.

The Merge Request Shifter channel in the atlassoftware team area will be used as the main communication method between shifters. This will allow for a continual discussion thread to allow new shifters to follow previous work and enable experts and release coordinators to follow the progress of open requests.

In order to get access to this area please go the following signup link. If this steps works go to the CERN Mattermost page and you should see atlassoftware listed under Your Teams :

Mattermost login

If you have access to this area you should see the following interface:

Mattermost interface

Alert Automatic notifications can be pushed from GitLab to Mattermost upon changes to merge requests. This functionality is currently being assessed and will be included in Mattermost soon.

Authored by the ATLAS software group. Report any issues here.