Reco_tf from AMI Tags

Last update: 23 Aug 2024 [History] [Edit]

Let’s assume we want to look into (not necessarily rerun!) the reconstruction transform used for a particular sample. This is a good way to become more familiarized, as you can use to get the transform used from its AMI tags. Depending on the sample, it will have a series of tags at the end of the sample name, defined by a letter and a four-digit number, like so:

The one we’re concerned about, of course, is the reconstruction tag, denoted with an rXXXX. All datasets in ATLAS are described using these tags, and you can search, browse, and compare samples with either pyAMI or the web-based AMI browser. If you haven’t already, set up Athena

asetup Athena 22.0.40

Then we want to get the AMI tag for this particular sample, so do --AMI r8905

This will give you all of the necessary information – you should now have an output that looks like this:

Here, asetup AtlasOffline,21.0.11 shows which release was used to produce the sample, and

Input file arguments:
--inputLowPtMinbiasHitsFile 'myLowPtMinbiasHits' --inputHighPtMinbiasHitsFile 'myHighPtMinbiasHits'

shows extra input files that are/were needed to run this transform – here for digitization and to specify the minimum bias events for pileup overlay. The main part we are concerned about though, is --digiSteeringConf 'StandardInTimeOnlyTruth' --conditionsTag 'default:OFLCOND-MC16-SDR-13' --pileupFinalBunch '6' --numberOfHighPtMinBias '0.312197744' --autoConfiguration 'everything' --numberOfLowPtMinBias '59.68780226' --steering 'doRDO_TRIG' --preInclude 'HITtoRDO:Digitization/,SimulationJobOptions/,RunDependentSimData/' 'RDOtoRDOTrigger:RecExPers/' --postExec 'all:CfgMgr.MessageSvc().setError+=["HepMcParticleLink"]' 'ESDtoAOD:fixedAttrib=[s if "CONTAINER_SPLITLEVEL = \\'99\\'" not in s else "" for s in svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes];svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes=fixedAttrib;xAODMaker__xAODTruthCnvAlg("GEN_AOD2xAOD",WriteInTimePileUpTruth=True)' 'RAWtoESD:xAODMaker__xAODTruthCnvAlg("GEN_AOD2xAOD",WriteInTimePileUpTruth=True)' 'ESDtoDPD:xAODMaker__xAODTruthCnvAlg("GEN_AOD2xAOD",WriteInTimePileUpTruth=True)' --postInclude 'default:PyJobTransforms/' --preExec 'all:rec.Commissioning.set_Value_and_Lock(True);from AthenaCommon.BeamFlags import jobproperties;jobproperties.Beam.numberOfCollisions.set_Value_and_Lock(20.0);from LArROD.LArRODFlags import larRODFlags;larRODFlags.NumberOfCollisions.set_Value_and_Lock(20);larRODFlags.nSamples.set_Value_and_Lock(4);larRODFlags.doOFCPileupOptimization.set_Value_and_Lock(True);larRODFlags.firstSample.set_Value_and_Lock(0);larRODFlags.useHighestGainAutoCorr.set_Value_and_Lock(True)' 'ESDtoAOD:TriggerFlags.AODEDMSet="AODFULL"' 'HITtoRDO:userRunLumiOverride={"run":284500, "lb":1, "starttstamp":1445203790, "mu":60.0}' --triggerConfig 'RDOtoRDOTrigger=MCRECO:DBF:TRIGGERDBMC:2094,36,102' --geometryVersion 'default:ATLAS-R2-2016-00-01-00' --numberOfCavernBkg '0'

This is the command to run for this particular sample– it’s a dizzying number of arguments! But don’t get intimidated – in the following section we’ll learn how to “decode” these instructions.


Authored by the ATLAS tracking CP group. Report any issues here.