Run Query Tool

Last update: 19 Nov 2024 [History] [Edit]

The Run Query tool provides detailed run-level information for the real data. It is particularly useful for detector and operation tasks, when you are trying to understand the LHC and ATLAS detector conditions and settings. You can use the search query either on the web interface or using the command line. On the web interface there are links to more expert pages for exact details on certain topics.

Get Data Summary plots


Use the Run Query web interface to get the Data Summary Total Luminosity plots (vs day) for the entire 2017 and 2018 13 TeV pp datasets.


To find the figures look in the top right corner of the main run query page in the grey band with white lettering, for the subject Data Summary. Click on that link which will take you to a new page. To change the year or data-type click on the subject Data Set in the top right corner. You will need to first select Run2 Pages, since 2017 and 2018 were during Run 2, before being able to select a specific year in Run 2.

Dataset lumi 2017

Dataset lumi 2018

tip These types of figures are shown very regularly in a diverse set of meetings, so it is nice to understand how to find them!

Find luminosity blocks with stable beams


Use the Run Query web interface to find which luminosity blocks had stable beams in Run 325558.


In the Run Query search field use the query: find run 325558 / show all

When the search is complete, scroll down to see the run and all the information associated to the run. Under the main column “LHC and online luminosity information” you will see a sub-column called “Stable beams”. Below that column there is a list of luminosity block (LB) ranges with the following information:

LB 1-115: no
LB 116-511: yes
LB 512-604: no

From this information, you can see that the luminosity blocks 116-511 were labeled as stable beams.

Bonus question: What is required for stable beams to be declared?

You may need to investigate and correlate trigger rates with LHC conditions, such as when stable beams were declared.

Find run details


Use the Run Query web interface to help you find the information about run 335302:

  1. What date was it taken?
  2. What period does it belong to?
  3. What was the prescale of the trigger HLT_g60_loose during luminosity blocks 257-268?


In the Run Query search field use the query: find run 335302 / show all and search for the information in the table.

The date can be seen under the column labeled Start and endtime:

Run Query Date

The period can be seen under the column labeled Run:

Run Query Period

Under the column “Trigger information: Prescale keys”, click on the luminosity block range of interest:

Run Query Prescale

This will take you to a new page where you can find the prescale for trigger HLT_g60_loose. The prescale tool may take a long time to load, as it has quite a bit of data to parse. During those luminosity blocks, the prescale was 1359.0.