Interactive Analysis Platform

Last update: 16 Aug 2024 [History] [Edit]

Introduction to SWAN


CERN provides a web-based interactive analysis platform called SWAN (Service for Web-based Analysis). SWAN is built on Jupyter notebooks, which allow you to write and execute python code interactively. SWAN provides access to CERN software, computing resources and storage for use in your analysis.

tip If you are following this tutorial at a different venue, your instructor might have you use an alternative system.

Start a session

To start a SWAN session, navigate to and sign in with your CERN credentials. Begin a new session with the following settings:

  • Software stack: 102
  • Platform: CentOS 7 (gcc11)
  • Environment script: default
  • Number of cores: 4
  • Memory: 16 GB
  • Spark Cluster: None

tip You can get the same environment on your LXPLUS terminal (after you setupATLAS) with the command:
lsetup "views LCG_102 x86_64-centos9-gcc11-opt"

Click on the terminal icon on the top right of the screen:


In the new terminal, clone the ntuple analysis git repo:

git clone

Click on the cloud home icon:


Go to the CERNBox tab:


Click on plotting and then open the appropriate Jupyter notebook (ipynb file).