Listing Sites

Last update: 05 Feb 2025 [History] [Edit]

Sometimes it is useful to know where a particular dataset (or replica) is physically stored. To get the list of all sites known to rucio, referred to as Rucio Storage Elements (RSE), type:

rucio list-rses

This will give you an output like:


It is possible to further restrict the possible results by adding an rses argument, such as:

rucio list-rses --rses "cloud=UK"

tip All sites are organized in “Clouds”, which correspond to the countries of the Tier 1 sites. Many countries do not have a Tier 1 site; the sites in those countries are added to a cloud that may not have an obvious connection.

To find the locations of particular files, datasets or containers (in fact any DID object), then the following commands can be used:

rucio list-dataset-replicas <scope>:<name>


rucio list-file-replicas <scope>:<name>

In fact the list-file-replicas options should work for any DID (files, datasets, and containers).


Find the locations of the data23_13p6TeV dataset of which you listed the contents in the previous section.


Use the command:

rucio list-dataset-replicas data23_13p6TeV:data23_13p6TeV.00450445.physics_Main.merge.AOD.f1342_m2167

tip Your results may vary from those shown below, depending on when the command was run.

DATASET: data23_13p6TeV:data23_13p6TeV.00450445.physics_Main.merge.AOD.f1342_m2167
| RSE                |   FOUND |   TOTAL |
| CERN-PROD_DATADISK |     852 |     852 |
| BNL-OSG2_DATADISK  |     852 |     852 |
| CERN-PROD_DERIVED  |     852 |     852 |

Authored by the Analysis Software Group. Report any issues here.